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Magickal and Medicinal Herbs: Coriander

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Coriander Seed

(Coriandrum sativum)

I just realized that coriander needs to be the patron saint of my web page. See that banner up at the top? Love. Life. Magic. It used to say Travel. Love. Magic. Either way is a pretty succinct way of describing coriander.

This little plant is so full of differing flavors that it has two names. The leaves are called cilantro and the seeds are called coriander. Both Pliny the Elder and Hippocrates recommended it for food medicine. Of course, by the time these ancient herbalists started singing its praises, coriander was already a world traveling superstar. The earliest stash of coriander has been found in a Neolithic B level of the Nahal Hemar Cave in Israel, but it was also found in the tomb of Tutankhamen. The Chinese, the Spanish conquistadors, Bronze Age invaders, randy Renaissance winos… Ancient Israelites used it in their cooking, and even the Book of Numbers in the Bible talks about it. This plant has gotten around.

Coriander, y’all. Who knew?

Okay, so let’s take a hard look at this little plant. In the garden, coriander can be planted among lettuce plants. It will ward off destructive pests like aphids and attract beneficial insects like hoverflies whose larvae consume 150 aphids per day before reaching maturity. On the plate, it’s completely edible. Root, stem, leaves, and seeds. It’s generally the fresh leaves and the dried seeds that we see used though. The seeds can be ground to powder or used whole for pickling, sausages, brewing beer, or occasionally to replace the caraway seeds in rye bread. They are also known for their inclusion in Indian cuisine.

Other Names: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro, Cilentro, Culantro, Uan-Suy, Stinkdillsamen, Hu-Sui

Medicinal Properties

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • antiseptic
  • anti-histamine
  • antioxidant
  • antimicrobial
  • antispasmodic
  • antirheumatic
  • antiarthritic
  • carminative
  • disinfectant
  • detoxifying
  • digestive aid
  • diuretic

Holistic Uses

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • eczema
  • seasonal allergies
  • skin inflammation
  • high cholesterol levels
  • diarrhea
  • gas and bloating
  • nausea and vomiting
  • mouth ulcers
  • anemia
  • indigestion
  • menstrual disorders
  • conjunctivitis
  • blood sugar disorders

Contraindications, Side Effects and Interactions

Coriander seeds are considered safe for most people. However, people who are on blood-regulating medication or using insulin should have their blood sugar levels monitored if they are regularly taking coriander, as it could lower their blood sugar levels.


The recommended dosage of coriander is 2.5 – 5 grams.

Medicinal Preparations

  • They can be used externally as a poultice or a compress for menstrual cramps, arthritic joints, and headaches.
  • Coriander seed essential oil can be mixed in a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil. Stir 1 ounce of coriander seed essential oil into 10 ounces of sweet almond oil. Mix well. Apply to the skin or joints as needed.
  • Seeds can be ground into a paste and used on mouth and skin ulcers.
  • Coriander is frequently added to other formulas to help improve the taste or to prevent intestinal spasms (common with laxative formulas).
  • The seeds can be made into a tea. A cold infusion is recommended or a hot infusion that is covered immediately. To make the tea, steep one tablespoon of crushed coriander seeds in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes and filter. Take 2 or 3 cups per day. To use powdered coriander seed: take ½ teaspoon per dosage mixed well in water or juice, from 2 to 5 times a day

Magickal Associations and Correspondences

Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Gender: Male

Magickal Properties

  • love
  • lust
  • reconciliation
  • protection of the home
  • healing
  • good health
  • longevity
  • clairvoyance
  • divination
  • fertility
  • prosperity
  • keeping secrets
  • passion
  • retention
  • peace
  • immortality

Simple Spells

  • Add to sachets or charms to induce lust or enhance love
  • Burn as incense to enhance love or passion
  • Add to handfasting ceremonies
  • Add to spells related to relieving the pain of ending of bad love affairs
  • Add to reconciliation spells for people who are struggling to get along
  • Grow in the garden and hang in the home to bring peace and ward against negativity and an array of negative things.
  • Wear or carry the seeds to ward off disease and migraines.
  • If your partner consents, mix nineteen ground coriander seeds into some slightly warmed wine and drink it together to attune your souls. If done on the new moon, it can increase your love and romantic communion.
  • Place 1oz of dried cilantro leaves under your pillow to protect one from nightmares and mischievous spirits.
  • In some dark corners of magic, coriander seed, willow bark, and mugwort herb made into a tincture and drank. Was used by witches to raise the dead and or to make one immortal.

Purchase coriander seeds in the Apothecary.

Learn more about Coriander Essential Oil.

Dig Deeper into other herbs and essential oils.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am a not medical professional and everything written here is a product of my own research. Don’t take any advice given here over that of a trained doctor. If you ingest any herbs, always make sure that you’re 100% sure that they’re safe. If you’re pregnant or giving to a child, always consult a doctor before ingesting herbs and plant you aren’t familiar with. Magickal instruction and spells are for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any magickal item, and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.


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