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Spiritual & Physical Uses and Health Benefits Of Sodom Apple (Calotropis Procera)


Spiritual & Physical Uses and Health Benefits Of Sodom Apple (Calotropis Procera)

Brief History Of Sodom Apple (Calotropis Procera):

Sodom Apple (Calotropis Procera) is much known as “wagashi ahaban” in Ghana. It is a simple plant many people might not pay attention to. Sodom Apple is an incredible plant which talented with the force of prediction.

Calotropis procera is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae that is native to North Africa, tropical Africa, Western Asia, South Asia, and Indochina. The green fruits contain a toxic milky sap that is extremely bitter and turns into a gluey coating that is resistant to soap.

Common names for the plant include Apple of Sodom, Sodom apple,  stabragh, king’s crown, rubber bush, and rubber tree.

Spiritual Uses Sodom Apple Leaves:

At whatever point you are profoundly stuck in a dynamic. You should go to the maker to give you comprehension and answer for your concern.

From precisely 10:00 pm going, go to where this plant is with corn dough. Present your concerns to the plant and as you doing this, sprinkle the corn dough close to the plant.

After you are done, pluck three of its leaves and take them home. Organize the leaves in inverse sides model, the first leaf in front, the second leaf should be back, the third leaf should be front on top of one another like that and put it under your cushion and think about it.

You will get all answers for the problem(s) you expressed to the plant or see what the future holds.

Physical Uses Of Sodom Apple Leaves:

For physical Uses, uproot and bite the foundations of sodom apple with salt (30) minutes before you will have sex with your accomplice. It’s a good aphrodisiac. This process is a natural way of boosting your sexual pleasure.

Calotropis Procera is the leaf Fulani’s use for preparing wagashi that is the reason it’s classified “wagashi ahaban”. Which means ‘wagashi leaves’.

Health Benefits Of Sodom Apple 
(Calotropis Procera):

¶. Toothache.

¶. Syphilis.

¶. Epilepsy.

¶. Fever.

¶. Leprosy.

¶. Gout.

¶. Snakebites.

¶. Digestive disorders.

¶. Diarrhoea.

¶. Cramps.

¶. Boils.

¶. Cancer.

¶. Swelling (inflammation).

¶. Joint pain.

¶. Ulcers.

¶. Cough, when inhaled.

¶. Asthma, when inhaled.

Side Effects Of Sodom Apple:

Calotropis is not safe in high doses. It contains chemicals that can interfere with heart function, particularly at high doses. It can cause serious side effects including vomiting, diarrhoea, slow heartbeat, convulsions, and death.

Special Precautions of Using Sodom Apple:

Oregon women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid the use of Sodom Apple.

Source: Dembe Publications




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