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Spiritual & physical benefits of alligator pepper (fom wisa) - Amingo

August 24, 2021

The dried alligator pepper (fom wisa) seed has a commanding power when put and chewed in the mouth. Keep 3, 7, 9 or 21 either just keeping them or chewing them in your mouth and be speaking or reciting your prayers or words about whatever you want to happen in your life. Watch

Soak the leaves in water, squeeze it and add rainy water and be bathing with this during the night in the period between 11:30 to 12 midnight and every sickness be it physical or spiritual will be taken care of by the use of the alligator pepper.

The branches, the leaves and the seeds of the alligator pepper all have so much to offer. Bad energies cannot roam about or operate in an area where there is alligator pepper because it has power on its own and drives away evil energy. Fresh alligator pepper can be soaked in water for bathing and drinking as well but they have to be grinded when dried.

Clicktv/Clickradio with Disciple on spiritual drive show and our co-hostess Amingo from Amingo Digital Herbal and Spiritual Centre share more on the powerful uses of alligator pepper in the video below.

Watch the video for details.


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